Customize Your Rewards. Increase Sales.

Reward your customers and increase repeat purchases.

Award points at signup to incentivize their first purchase

What better way to encourage customers to register on your website or signup for your mailing list than to award them with points? Give them extra incentive and close the sale!

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Give rewards for money spent the keep them coming back

You can award points to your customers for every dollar spent! The more they shop with you, the more rewards they qualify for - which means they'll maintain a balance and come back to buy even more from you!

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Get your customers to share your business with friends

With Glow Stage's built-in referral program, you can reward your customers for referring their friends to your store. Award points for registrations or orders placed.

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Let them know you care on their birthday and signup anniversary

Reward your customers on their anniversary of becoming your customer or on their birthday! You can give them special discounts just for them or even automatically place an order for a free product!

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Developer? Check out our API.

Use Glow Stage's API to integrate your loyalty program with other software you use to improve automation.

The API is only available on paid plans.

Check out the Docs

Built exclusively for Shopify.

Glow Stage was built exclusively for the Shopify platform. Why does that matter? Because it means we are laser-focused on making sure your loyalty program runs great on your Shopify site without distractions and cross-platform compatibility issues.

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