Choose a plan that's right for you

Try Glow Stage free for 7 days! Upgrade as you grow.

12,000 Active Members
Unlimited Orders
Analytics Dashboard
Easy Loyalty Program Setup
Dedicated support
All Features Included
Get Started
Your business is growing fast! Increase your momentum and get up to 12,000 active members with this plan.
$59 /mo
6,000 Active Members
Unlimited Orders
Analytics Dashboard
Easy Loyalty Program Setup
Dedicated support
All Features Included
Get Started
You're making moves - alright! Boost your existing sales with up to 6,000 active loyalty members with this plan.
2,000 Active Members
Unlimited Orders
Analytics Dashboard
Easy Loyalty Program Setup
Dedicated support
All Features Included
Get Started
Great for starting your first loyalty program! If your shop is brand new or you've got under 2,000 customers, this is the plan for you.
500 Active Members
Unlimited Orders
Analytics Dashboard
Easy Loyalty Program Setup
Dedicated support
All Features Included
Get Started
Give it a spin. Great if you're testing out an idea or don't have many customers.

Have more than 12,000 users, customize your plan below

Get Started

Only have up to 50 active members? Use Glow Stage free forever

More than 12,000 active members? Contact Us for custom pricing.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can I import existing members and points?

Yes! You can send us a CSV of email addresses and point values to bring over existing balances from your old loyalty program.

Can I cancel my account?

Yes! You can cancel your account at any time by uninstalling the Glow Stage app in the 'Apps' section of your Shopify account.

Can I translate the text my users see?

Yes! You can translate all of the text your users see into any language you'd like. This includes emails, widgets and modals views.

How will I be billed?

Your subscription fee for using the app will be added to your invoice from Shopify alongside other paid apps you may have installed.

Are there any other fees?

No. We only offer our services on a subscription basis and it is the only charge you will see from us. All features are included in all paid plans.

What is limited on the free plan?

Some features, such as email customization and API access, are limited on the free plan to prevent abuse.

Ready to take Glow Stage for a spin? Get the App!

Install the app on your Shopify store and
try Glow Stage FREE for 7 days!

Get the App!